Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fell Flat..

Well obviously 2010 is over and I didn't really finish of December as planned.. I had a lot of family in town.

I know I am not going to do a 365 this year but I will definitely do something with pictures I am sure.. just not sure what yet. Any ideas? I know some people do a weekly thing, others just post pictures as they want....

So I will hopefully figure out something soon and still share my photos.

Thanks again for all who followed me through the year.


  1. Happy New Year!

    I find posting every week so much easier, I usually get 5 or 6 photos anyway without even trying too hard.

    I've been thinking about using Picassa or photoshop to make a weekly collage instead of just posting everything one after the other - maybe I'll try it occasionally.

    I'm going to keep doing the weekly posts anyway it's great to look back on and from February I can compare what I did the same week of the year before.

    Have a lovely day,

  2. I have the same problem as you -- I know I don't want to do 365 again, but I still need to do something... :)

    When you figure it out, let me know -- all I know is the only deadline I want is December 31, 2011.

    Emmy, I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you over the past year. You have a beautiful eye -- and a beautiful family. :)

  3. I like your angles that you take. Things I would not think of but really like. You could also offer a brief lesson to go along with the photos. Maybe a weekly thing for now.
