My dear blogging friend Janette and I have started a new meme called Heartfelt Acts. We have created a list of two possible service ideas for every month of the year. We did this a lot for selfish reason-- as we ourselves want to get out and do more, get out and serve more. But we also hope that others will want to join in this spirit of giving.
For February one of the ideas is to tell someone you love them every single day. I decided to take it a step further and am creating a little heart that says I love you and then something I love about the person for each of my family members for everyday of the month.
Here were the first days' hearts.
I put each person's heart somewhere in their room but I gave Ryder his right away as he was asking what it is was.
He said "it's a heart!" with a big smile on his face. Then asked me "what does it say?"
When I read him his- which his is the "love your hugs" one-- the look on his face was just something out of this world. I could literally see the understanding, the love the happiness just grow in his eyes. It was a moment I will never forget.
And then when it was time to go to story time- he carried that heart with him, carefully setting it next to him when he needed his hands to do the actions while signing the songs-- and then picked it back up never letting go.
It made it all so worth it and more.
And today's photoaday was #fork.
Some of my favorite foods are the ones where I just use these special "forks"
6 years ago