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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Party X2

Sometimes when Saturday roles around I would love a day just to sit around.

This was not one of those Saturday's.

We began by cleaning the church.

Followed by some outside spray painting by me-while the kids played soccer with Eric 
Picture taken by Eric
And well I shouldn't have beens surprised that I got spray paint on my hand when I held one of the sticks while trying to spray paint the side.
This was my photoaday which was "surprise"

And then it was birthday party time-- Alex had two birthday parties to attend.

First a Mermaid party

Dressed up girly at the party

Then that evening a party at Pump it up
Alex battling it out with a friend
So definitely didn't get to sit around but it was a good day.  Maybe next Saturday I can sit.... oh wait Alex has another party to attend next week.  I need a nap. 

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