I had been taking pictures with my zoom lens.. I went inside and switched to my nifty fifty. I love that lens, and it is amazing what a difference the lowering the number of the f-stop can make.. see that big green area in the top almost middle of the picture... it is a garbage can. Definitely looks better out of focus.
Camera: Canon Rebel G Xti: ISO 800, f/2.5 1/250 s SOOC
especially packages with something for me and especially packages with something for me that I got for free!! Wonder what it is? I'll give you a hint... it will make me look so beautiful :)
she said it drives better this way. Maybe she was using the same logic when she took off the girl's hair "so she can drive her car" she told me... hmmm.... I don't take my hair off when I drive, do you?
109I never knew the desert could be beautiful until my first spring in Mesa when the cacti started to flower. This is one we brought with us... hey look, I can keep a cactus alive!
108Haven't taken any pictures yet today.. shoot. Umm Handi-snack bread-sticks and cheese, I love these
107 It's a moth it was one of two thing I got a picture of in the butterfly exhibit that we waited in line for 45 minutes to go into... yeah, it wasn't really worth it
Anyone see the movie Cool Hand Luke? In it the main character ate 60 hard boiled eggs in a hour... Today at work my husband took on the challenge to eat 50 in a hour.
He made it to 20, realized he was not going to make it and smartly called it quits
Monday April 12thSometimes there is nothing better than breakfast for dinner; especially when it involves cinnamon rolls.
Day 103 Tuesday April 13thThree hours at the park will do this to you. Day 104 Wednesday April 14th"I'm gonna spend my day with trains" Nothing makes Lucas happier than when I build and drive GeoTrax with him Day 105 Thursday April 15thAfter two weeks of spring break getting back into the swing of things can be very tiring.
Day 99 Sitting still isn't his strong suit... Writing and Drawing, don't really interest him... So this just warms a mama's heart
Day 1001 Failed Trip to the Wild Animal Park 1 Successful unplanned trip to the Miniature Train Museum and Zoo Wouldn't it be fun to have a train set like this?
Day 101Obviously I did not take this but in case you don't read my regular blog I thought you might like to see this.. oh and I am only 27 weeks.. gessh, how big is this boy going to be??
Eric's parents came last week... They left on Tuesday... it has been a long week since they left. This note was left in case they were gone before the kids woke up...
The first year I did a 365- I was semi successful.
Last year I had all of these ideas about editing pictures and teaching you how.
This year it is for me.
It will be a 365, well 366, of sorts but I like to call it my 366 Journal. As it will be my place to document those little things. Every day life that I want to remember but might not be very good blog fodder. But it is for me.
And of course I will always be blogging at my main blog.
All pictures on this blog are my property. Please do not copy or use pictures without permission first.
I'm a determined procrastinator who gets it done. I don't excel at any one thing but am pretty dang good at a lot of things. I am a glass-half-full kind of gal even when the glass is nearly empty. I am a mom, a photographer, a wife, a creator, a couponer, a friend, a musician, an Apple fanatic, a BYU football fan and numberless other things that people have called me both good and bad. But ultimately it is my knowledge of who I truly am, a daughter of God, that helps me make it through this crazy life One Day At a Time.