7:20 AM I am lacing up my running shoes. Shouldn't I be in bed still? Something goes funny with my running app-(okay so it was operator error) but I run in silence. The crunch of my shoes on the gravel- the occasional hello to other runners. Almost four miles today.Our Saturday morning cleaning and then in the afternoon we travel to my big sister's house.
My sister's Christmas tree was still up- ornaments removed but still there- Ryder was in heaven.A little hide-and-seek with a cousinSlides are fun tooThere is nothing quite like a fresh orange right off the treeGifts from my sister- school desks for her dolls- I think she likes themMade me smile today: We brought cookies for dessert- the yummy soft sugar cookies with frosting. Ryder saw them "Cook-coos, cook-coos" he said again and again.
The first year I did a 365- I was semi successful.
Last year I had all of these ideas about editing pictures and teaching you how.
This year it is for me.
It will be a 365, well 366, of sorts but I like to call it my 366 Journal. As it will be my place to document those little things. Every day life that I want to remember but might not be very good blog fodder. But it is for me.
And of course I will always be blogging at my main blog.
All pictures on this blog are my property. Please do not copy or use pictures without permission first.
I'm a determined procrastinator who gets it done. I don't excel at any one thing but am pretty dang good at a lot of things. I am a glass-half-full kind of gal even when the glass is nearly empty. I am a mom, a photographer, a wife, a creator, a couponer, a friend, a musician, an Apple fanatic, a BYU football fan and numberless other things that people have called me both good and bad. But ultimately it is my knowledge of who I truly am, a daughter of God, that helps me make it through this crazy life One Day At a Time.
Holy cow that girl really can sleep ANYWHERE! haha. I love fresh from the tree oranges. YUM!
ReplyDeleteGreat pics, Emmy! Great job on running, too :)